Graduate School Coaching
Grad School coaching provides you with the support, structure and strategies that are tailored specifically to your needs.
Our services specialize in supporting you in identifying and working toward your graduate-level academic (Masters & Doctoral Programs)
and professional goals. In addition, we assist you in your career endeavors long after your graduation.

Areas of Speciality

Determining if graduate school is the best option for your interests and needs
How to best search and select potential schools/programs to apply
Successfully moving through the application process
​​How to best address your Personal Statement
Standardized testing study planning
Asking and receiving strong letters of recommendation
Preparing for graduate school admissions interviews
Questions and concerns unique about one's past academic experiences and present work/life circumstances in relation to goals for graduate school and career
From multiple offers, choosing which program to attend
Finding resources for scholarships
Working to complete your dissertation / thesis
Managing the working relationship with your advisor, dissertation chair/committee
Study skills and time management processes for success in graduate school and your career
Support for Graduate Programs in Social Sciences (Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, Public Policy, etc.), History, Philosophy, Public Health, Medical School and Law Schools
Availability & Fees
Currently, limited Grad School Coaching availability. Please contact Dr. Jeanne Stanley regarding your graduate school needs and if openings are available at this time. Note: All meetings are being done virtually.
​50 Minute Session = $250
25 Minute Session = $125
Payment By: Credit Card via IvyPay